Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday's Hot Bikini Babe

It's Sunday and Summer is still holding on like it wants to last all Fall.  Well this little hottie knows how to beat the heat.

1. Don't wear too much.

2. Have a dip in the nearest pool

3. Give you that look that says, "I'm just too hot. Go get me a drink and I might just talk to you"

I think it might just work in her case.  That last bit at least.  The rest of her plan would work for anyone.  Why don't more guys wear Speedo style swimwear?  Maybe because girls would have too much power to know their feminine looks were working.

If you're in the mood for puzzles, go check out my jigsaw puzzle blog.  Will see what we can to about getting some good pics slipped through.

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